Hubble constant estimation from gravitational waves
The Hubble constant is one of the most important cosmological parameters measuring the expansion rate of the Universe, hence its accurate measurement is among the most important objectives of observational cosmology. Multiple methods are being used to determine its value, however, as the measurement uncertainties have shrunk the different methods provide two different values. This disagreement is now statistically significant, and it is called the Hubble tension.
Multi-messenger observations of gravitational waves and electromagnetic radiation from the same source can provide a third independent method for calculating the Hubble constant. With enough such observations the Hubble tension could probably be solved.
We are working on this project with the cosmology working group of the LIGO-Virgo Collaboration. We provide galaxy data from our GLADE galaxy catalog as well as continuously improve the catalog to be even more useful in cosmological applications, such as by correcting the galaxy distances with their peculiar velocities or estimating the stellar masses of them for an improved weighing of the galaxy data.